With the rise of independently published books, there seems to be a book for every niche someone can imagine. At first glance, Basic Training for Per$onal Military Finance might appear to be one of those books. But Michael Hamlin does not just sit down and share his story. He brings a wealth of knowledge to the very unique realm of finance for service people, and he enlisted other service members to make it a well rounded guide.
“The book you’re holding…is not a treasure map,” Hamlin states in the first line of the book. And it is not. What it is though is an accessible reference. Hamlin has laid out his book to take the reader from wherever they might be in their career to financial stability, literally starting with basic training– specifically a Private completing basic training and rushing off to finance a new car. Because this book is for service members specifically, he is able to show how they are in a unique position compared to others when it comes to investments because they have steady income, limited financial obligations such as benefits and housing, and the opportunity to start younger than many in most cases.
Other personnel offer points for Hamlin to use as illustration. From small cost cuts to U.S. Savings Bonds, a lot of real world examples are offered up. Real world temptations are not ignored though. Addressed in the book are the mentality of some that they risk so much they deserve a reward, as well as some tendencies to accumulate unnecessary things just to have them. Hamlin offers short, firm, and practical advice for overcoming those instincts.
While Basic Training for Per$onal Military Finance has a niche audience, it is a great book for that audience.
Publisher: Military Millionaires, LLC
ISBN: 978-0960086504